Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Oh, Baby!!

Well, it's been quite some time since I have been on here to blog about what's going on with Gypsy Jewels - part of that is because not much has been going on with Gypsy Jewels. When I found out I was pregnant back in December for some reason I lost a lot of interest in my creativity and began focusing on my journey to becoming a Doula as well as becoming a new mother for what almost feels like the first time.

My son is 12 and daughter, 7...and she was supposed to be my last - so I got rid of everything. Now, not only am I used to my older children, I am also starting over as far as all the "stuff" that goes with it. And, I'm doing everything differently this time. We're truly trying to leave as small of a footprint as possible with this child and I'm a little intimidated about learning all the new things and routines I'm going to have to face. Cloth diapering is a completely foreign thing to me, but I'm more than determined to do it. My other son was circumcised because I was 17 and honestly never even thought about it - I like many other pe
ople out there just thought that was simply what you did. Now that I'm a little more evolved (well, let's face it - I've evolved plenty since I was 17) I've chosen that cutting my little guys penis up for cosmetic purposes isn't necessary - but that doesn't mean I yet know the first thing about taking care of an uncircumcised penis. But, I'll learn. This is among many things that I'm doing differently this time around, but I'm eager to as I have looked back on my previous experiences with my children with regrets. This is not only a learning experience but an opportunity for redemption.

I've done pretty well so far, not only can green be better, it can be CHEAPER! I know I can not afford "green" furniture for my baby, so my compromise is to be pretty strict about buying used. This way the items have already off-gassed for the most part - plus it is recycling in it's finest form - REUSING! I've found that Craigslist is an EXCELLENT resource for this, as well as garage sales, resale shops and hand me downs from friends and family. I found a great car seat/stroller travel system for $60.00, a very cute changing table for $25.00, a IKEA crib for $60.00 (that I'm happy to be picking up today), a full set of Dr. Brown's bottles for $18.00 from Craigslist. My girlfriend called me from a garage sale and found me an amazing Peg Perrigo high chair that completely folds up (and retails for $200) for $30.00 and a Eddie Bauer baby swing at Once Upon A Child (resale shop) for $30.00. So, I'm up to what, like $220ish?? People spend that on ONE thing easily...and I know, I've shopped
and compared prices everywhere. I have also saved a LOT of money on NOT buying maternity clothes. I've found that other than a few key pieces I haven't needed to at all as long as I buy shirts that are long enough and wear lots of skirts and pants with elastic or flexible bands. With the prices of new maternity clothes, I don't know how anyone can allow - or even afford - to buy them. Luckily I have quite a bohemian flare about me and even had a lot of flowing clothes that worked better than fine.

So, I'm pretty proud of myself thus far - and the stuff is all top quality so there is no compromise on standards. The only things I am buying new is an organic mattress (which will be $190. - one of the most expensive pieces to this puzzle) and his pack and play which is $120 - BUT, I've been saving a $100.00 gift credit card for over a year n
ow and plan on using toward that purchase @ Babies R Us - where I will also get 10% off of it because it was left on my registry. So, I'll actually only pay about $10 for it out of pocket. Not bad, eh?

Though I seem to have it pretty together and well on my way, I still definitely have a list to tackle. I need those last two items as well as some other cloth diapering necessities which will end up being about $50. On top of that we HAVE to replace the window in the baby's room and still need to re-wallpaper and paint - though at first he's going to stay in our room with us, winter will be here before we know it and it's got to be done before then. It seems like I realize that the time is ticking away way more than daddy does. He works so much that he really doesn't want to hear about it or feel under pressure about it. So, it's a bit frustrating and worrisome. I just hope that we can pull it together before winter does
actually rear it's ugly head. To help cover the costs of these upcoming needs, I've decided to get creative and sell everything in my shop at ridiculously low prices. Hopefully this will help us come up with the rest of what we need for this little guy (who still has no name).

The Doula training has been going well, though it's in limbo for now until I deliver. I went to the doula training weekend and have attended my first official birth that will count towards my certification. I have one more lined up and then I am going to utilize my midwife's office in order to doula for some complete strangers. As of now, the first birth was for my best friend and the second will also be for a good friend. I think it would do me good to try it from scratch as well. I'm eager to get it all rolling, but have to take a s
tep back for a while to have this baby. I have picked a name for my business though and have started a website for it, too.

Eventually I hope to open a natural birthing and parenting resource center in Grand Rapids. I'm working with some local companies and resources to help me find my way. My dream is to combine all of it in the long run. The jewelry, the photography, the doula business and even a green party planning/living service. I've got lots of ideas and a ton of motivation, but I know that I need to take baby steps for now or I will surely get overwhelmed. So, for now, my focus is within. On this life that is going to be added to our
family sooner than I can even comprehend. I've done everything that I ever wanted to do in pregnancy this time around, like getting my belly henna'd, doing a belly cast, pregnant modeling, etc. so I'm feeling quite ready. We even had an amazing "green" baby shower where there was VERY little waste involved. I was very proud. I'm a pretty lucky girl when it all comes down to it. Great friends, beautiful children, creativity and the ability to stretch a dollar as far as it will go. Makes me feel like I'll be just fine, which is refreshing and fills my heart with hope.