Wednesday, November 4, 2009

It's official. I'm addicted.

When I started making the Nursing Clips and posting them on my Etsy site, a woman contacted me and asked me if I might be willing to send her a clip for her to try out and then write about it in her blog. I thought, "what a great idea!" and was drawn in right off the bat. So, I began actively looking around for blogs written by mothers who were breastfeeding. On my search I found many - and a LOT of them did these reviews and giveaways. Once I started contacting them I also got drawn into entering these fabulous giveaways and it quickly evolved into it's own addiction.

You see, I'm broke. No, really...Shawn and I may appear like we have money, but the truth is we are both serious bargain people. The nice Intrepid I drive around that is all pimped out and on super sweet rims? Shawn bought it totaled for $700.00 and fixed it up for around $500. The nice clothes that we wear are all found by my super thrifty skills. The furniture and decor of my house almost all came from garage sales and goodwill - and I have some REALLY sweet stuff. I almost never buy anything full price. So, finding out that there are places on line where I can enter giveaways and win free stuff is flippin' sweet.

Then I won something. I won a nice L.L. Bean raincoat from This only fed my interest and so I have been entering them like a mad women ever since. This was probably around 2 or 3 weeks ago and thus far I've won the raincoat, a complete organic skincare set (for baby) and a whole bunch of coupons for free organic meals for Zander (which also came with a sweet packet of recipes!).

Through this "addiction" though, I actually have found many blogs and contacted many women who are willing to do reviews on my Nursing Clips. I've sent off about 15 of them so far to various ladies and am looking forward to see if it helps my sales at all. I know the clips are pretty sweet, I think people just need to become aware of least that is what I'm hoping for. I've invested pretty much everything I have in them in the past few months and I need to see some kind of pay off. I'm not worried about it though, I really believe in the clips and believe once people know about them they will sell themselves. Us women are smart and we LOVE a practical buy. ;)

Here are links to two of the blogs that have already done review/giveaways on the Nursing Clips:

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